Adam here. In April of 2007 I was lucky enough to be invited by Fredrick Wildman Wine Imports to travel to Argentina to visit a couple of the wineries that they represent. I of course jumped at the chance. I had never been to South America before and goodness knows I was fond of the wines. I figured since Carla from Trapiche was coming to visit Star this week I would tell you about my visit.
After spending some time in Buenos Aires as well as a few days in the Cafayate Valley we finally arrived in Mendoza, the Argentine city that is considered the heart of
wine country. Despite a population of over 4 million people Mendoza has a very laid back quality to it. Sidewalk cafes are everywhere and they are shaded by large leafy trees making them a great spot to relax with a nice pisco sour or Fernet and Coke. The first thing our tour leader Francine warned us about were the irrigation ditches that ran along the side of the street. These ditches are about 3 feet deep and she told us she was not fishing any of us out if we fell in after too many drinks. Fair enough.
Trapiche is located right near the foot of the Andes mountains and they have growers at all different elevations. We visited the Dos Palmas vineyards which are very close to the winery. Our tour of the vineyard was given by Carla herself, which is why we are so looking forward to seeing her again.
We then had a tasting of all of Trapiche's wines. This is at least a dozen or so wines. Most wine professionals will spit every single drop at a wine tasting so as to keep their head completely clear. Dear friends when you are from Wisconsin and many of the other people on your trip are from all different parts of the U.S. it becomes clear right away that our tolerance for alcohol is much higher than anyone else's. It may sound like an old wives' tale but I have seen it proven again and again. So I will admit that I did not spit everything. Anyway we were having lunch right after the tasting, right?
I will not take the time here to review all the wines. Join us on Thursday and try them for yourself but I do want to mention the Single Vineyard wines. Trapiche makes a lot of wine. So they have a lot of growers. Every year each grower submits a bottle of his Malbec for a blind tasting. Out of all these wines they pick 3. They are then bottled and sold as Trapiche Single Vineyard Malbec with the grower's name on the label to distinguish one from the other. Oh Mama are these wine good. It is my personal opinion that if these wines were from California or France they would fetch around $100/bottle. Since they are from Argentina they go for about half that. Make sure you try these on Thursday because they are stunning!
Now it was time for lunch. We started with empenadas. Which are everywhere in Argentina and everyone will tell you that the ones from their region are the best. Honestly, I loved them all. People fighting over which meat pie is best and they want me to try them all and decide. Done and done! At Trapiche they cooked the empenadas in a large stone oven on the deck near where we had done the tasting. They were darn good but most of the excit
ement came when the trellised vines above the deck caught fire because the stone oven had gotten too hot. No worries though disaster was averted and lunch continued. Those goats were indeed for us along with probably a half dozen other roasted meats, which is how we ate the whole time in Argentina. The wine and laughter flowed as the afternoon wore on. We tried port and grappa the winemaker was experimenting with and they were wonderful. We ate desserts made with dolce de leche which seems to be in every sweet treat made in Argentina. No problem there though because it is yummy.
Finally our visit came to an end. It was also almost time for us to head home to the U.S. of A. but we all knew that our experience here had been worth the whole trip. We had met wonderful people and drank wonderful wine. We had feasted and laughed until our bellies were full and our faces hurt from smiling so much. As we drove away in the bus I for one made a promise to myself that someday I would visit again. Until that day I have the wonderful wines of Trapiche and all of Argentina to spark the great memories.
Now for the shamless plug:
Thursday, August 26th 4pm to 7pm
15% off all Trapiche Wines!!!
MEET Carla Castorina the winemaker who was nice enough to show us around.
Sample many grilled goodies to go along with these great Argentine wines!!